Mexico labor laws for the freelancers and contractors have had changes

Mexico labor laws for the freelancers and contractors have had changes
The ROI of Temp Staffing Although temp staffing is not a new concept many companies have yet to experience the ROI that accompanies the wise, regular use of temp staffing services. Hiring can be an expensive proposition, and not every position in your company is one that needs to be filled all the time, especially…
In today’s world, it really is hard to tell if a candidate is a good fit for your open position or your company culture. You can interview someone all day long, look at their perfectly laid out resume and still ask yourself “Are they right for us?” I myself have been fooled several times over…
I found this guide at and thought it would be good to share with everyone. There really are some good tips and it is good to review occasionally to make sure your interviews are being conducted in the best possible way. In today’s hiring climate, it’s more important than ever to be successful at: Attracting talent…
The Mink Company – SWOT Analysis For many years, businesses have asked the question should I use a staffing agency to assist with full time and contract placements. In an effort to help companies make an educated decision on this TMC has done a SWOT analysis. What is a SWOT analysis? It identifies strengths, weaknesses, opportunities,…
As I’m searching for potential candidates in LinkedIn I have noticed several things that people do or don’t do in their profiles that as a recruiter become very frustrating. Now here is my disclaimer. If you have no intentions of ever getting a new job then please ignore this posting. To digress, I was once…
I see a lot of resumes come across my desk every day. When I find one I like I ask the person if I can use it as one of my favorite resume templates. Feel free to download the one you like and plug in your information.
I found a great article that talks about best practices to expand your business internationally. The Mink Company has contractors all over the world so if you are looking to expand into a different country but are not ready to take the plunge with full-time direct employees we can help. See number 4 below for… sifted through tens of thousands of interview reviews to find the 50 most common questions. It would be good to review them before your big meeting to make sure you are as prepared as much as possible. It is also a good idea to think a bit outside of the box. Companies have been known to…
1. You can never overdress: I know, I know! I hate to dress up just as much as the next guy. That said when you are going on an interview break out the nice clothes. If the potential employer knows you went out of your way to look nice they know you are taking the…